Wednesday, August 5, 2015

500 Calorie Burner

Quick Workout Of The Day...That Burns 500 Calories!
Jump Rope: 5 minutes
Jumping Jacks: 5 minutes
Burns 100 calories
30 Crunches
10 Push- Ups
40 Jumping Jacks
20 Squats
Burns 100 calories
Jump Rope: 5 minutes
Jumping Jacks: 5 minutes
Burns 100 calories
60 Crunches
20 Push- Ups
80 Jumping Jacks
40 Squats
Burns 200 calories
Jump Rope: 5 minutes
Jumping Jacks: 5 minutes
Burns 100 calories
30 Crunches
10 Push- Ups
40 Jumping Jacks
20 Squats
Burns 100 calories
This is just a little something I came up with- it gets your heart beating with some cardio, works some major muscle groups and it's simple and easy! This workout is what you make it. The harder you push yourself the harder it is and the more calories you will burn. 
Highlighted in blue is the 500 calorie burning workout.  This will only burn 500 calories if you are moving at a vigorous speed with jumping rope and jumping jacks. I added another round of the circuit, highlighted in yellow,  if you are moving at a more moderate pace, to insure you are still burning those 500 calories. 
Personally, I use the first 10 minutes of jumping rope and jumping jacks as a warm up and then increase my intensity with the other two sets of jumping rope and jumping jacks. Also, I will use a weight while doing the squats to increase the intensity. This workout is great because it's versatile in how you can rotate the sets and it is easy to keep track of the calories burned by the intervals.
I get a lot of my "out of the gym" workout inspiration from BARE STRENGTH! Check out their site, they have great information on fitness and nutrition!
Fun tip: Get some new workout gear!! Especially if you are in a rut! Feeling good in what you are wearing is sometimes the perfect little motivator that's needed to get out and start moving! Plus, it's fun and there are some great prints out right now for workout clothes. (Pictured is one of my more conservative pairings:) )
Well, I hope you enjoy and have fun kicking your own ass butt!

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