Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Maxin & Relaxin


Maxi: Dress Barn (sold out- more of their dresses) || Woven Clutch: Dress Barn ||
 Sandals: Dress Barn (sold out- more of their shoes) || Cuff: Old || Earrings/Ring: Silpada
I was on a shopping excursion with my Mama, in search of a dress for her. We ended up stumbling into Dress Barn.  I was browsing the racks one by one and...(wait for it) not only found something for her but also found something for me! Going into the store I had no intention of looking for me but was pleasantly surprised, I must say. They offer a wider variety of sizes than stated on their store doors and have fun and colorful pieces. I was so pleased, I decided to accessorize most of my outfit from there. I thought Dress Barn deserved a shout out and I was excited to show off this side of Dress Barn that I recently, discovered. Hopefully this inspires you all to take a second look at them and any store you may think has nothing to offer you.
This was a true "Brandom" find...